Friday, September 12, 2014

Add an Icon to the Home Screen

The iPad Home Screen contains many icons that allow you to access various apps and features. There is a neat feature with Safari on the iPad that allows you to create an icon for a particular website your students access frequently. Once the icon is added to the home screen, all students have to do is click the icon to access the website. This helps save time and prevents students from having to type in the URL. 

To add an icon, first click on the Safari app. For most iPads, this is found on the bottom of the screen. 

Next, you will need to type in the website you would like the icon to be. Clicking in the search box will bring up the keypad. 

Once the website it entered, click "go" to load the website. For the purpose of this post, we will be adding an icon to be able to access easily. This is a kid-friendly search engine the 1st grade teachers like their students to use.  

Now, we will add the website as an icon. In the top left-hand corner, you will notice a square with an upwards arrow. This is the "share" symbol. Click on that. You will notice there are many options for you to share this website. To create an icon, click, "Add to Home Screen."

After you clicked "Add to Home Screen," it will double check that you would like to add KidRex to the home screen. In the upper right-hand corner of that mini screen, click add. 

Now you will be able to access the icon on the home screen whenever you would like. In one simple touch, you will be at the preferred website! 

Are there any icons of common websites you frequently access that you would like added to your class set of iPads? Let a technology intern know, and we will gladly add it for you! The first grade classrooms added, a safe search engine for kids. Check it out!

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