Thursday, September 4, 2014

Blog Incentives

B.I.G. things are happening at Roland Story Elementary!! 

School is back in session and we (the tech team) couldn't be more excited to see where this year takes us! We have had some exciting changes here at Roland Story: new positions added and many new faces throughout the district. This year, we hope to do our best to help the elementary teachers, new and seasoned, with ways to integrate the iPad into the school day, how to use new apps, and to model for students digital citizenship.

One way we aim to achieve our goals is through this blog. We have created the Blog Incentive Game (B.I.G.) to motivate our teachers to use this blog to learn and grow. This blog provides communication, education, and opportunity. 

To our teachers:

Here's the plan, we will continue posting on the blog throughout this school year with iPad ideas, app how-to's, and many more. The more involved you are, the more badges you earn. 

What are badges?
- Badges come in every shape and size! 
- You will earn different types of badges based on what you do to earn them.
- You can earn multiple badges of the same type. 

How can you earn badges?
- In many different ways!
- Check out the three types of badges you can earn and see what you need to do to start earning!

What do badges do for me?
- Pride.
- Show your knowledge gained.
- The more badges you earn, the closer you are to the grand prize!
- At the end of the semester we will see who has earned the most badges and count up the points.

Where will the badges be displayed?
- We will post on our blog as badges are earned, but there will also be a chart in the teacher's lounge to graph each teacher's progress.

Types of Badges

Comment Badge - the smallest and easiest badge to earn (worth 1 point). Share your thoughts on what we post and you will earn this badge. 

Learning Badge - the next size up (it takes a little more to earn and is worth 3 points!) Show your willingness to learn by inviting an intern into your classroom to learn about a new app or tool. 

Initiative Badge - the largest type of badge you can earn (worth 5 points!) Do some research on your own and share it with colleagues or the interns to earn this badge. It will show the initiative you took to share or research new ideas.

The more you earn, the more you learn!

Let's get started. Are there more badges we should offer? Leave a comment if you have another idea. Think we covered everything? Still leave a comment! 


  1. Hi there! What kind of research are you looking for - on websites, apps, etc?

  2. Ms. Hyatt, thanks for asking! Anything you learn about anything technology related we would love to hear about. It can be how you are using something in your classroom or something you saw another teacher do online. Any effort is encouraged!
