Monday, November 10, 2014

B.I.G. Update!

With only 5 weeks left of this semester, we thought we should update you guys on the leaders for the B.I.G. (Blog Incentive Game)!

The person with the most amount of points at the end of this semester will receive the grand prize!  We encourage all of you to get at least 1 more badge this year - especially a learning badge.  Not only does it put you in the running to receive a prize, but you will continue to learn more about technology in the classroom!

Badge Reminder:
Comment Badge (1 point): Comment on any posts and receive this badge!  Share your thoughts, give us ideas, or just write to say you've read the post.  Anything works!
Learning Badge (3 points): Invite an intern into your classroom to teach a lesson using technology or help you learn more about an app!  If you use Handouts or Homeroom, you can earn this badge also!
Initiative Badge (5 points): Research a new app or technology tool and share it with us and/or your colleagues! 

The leaders are:
*drum roll please ;)*

Mrs. Olson - 14 points
Mrs. S. Johnson - 9 points
Mrs. Hull - 9 points
Mr. Gilroy - 8 points
Ms. Hyatt - 7 points
Mrs. K. Johnson - 6 points
Mrs. Phelan - 6 points
Mrs. Hauer - 3 points
Mrs. Nelson - 3 points
Mrs. Sanderson - 3 points
Mrs. Thein - 3 points
Mrs. Rule - 3 points
Mrs. Bauman - 1 point
Mrs. Greenfield - 1 point

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