Friday, November 14, 2014


Have you ever thought it would be nice to visualize student understanding? Socrative is an app that allows you to do just that by easily giving formative assessments to your students in a fun and effective way! Socrative allows you to make quizzes, polls, space races, and exit tickets for your students. (Space race has you choose a quiz you've already made and assign teams. These teams compete to finish the quiz the fastest.) The app then collects and digitalizes all student answers in "real time," and then creates the data report for you afterward. 

To begin, you need to first create a classroom. You can create an account directly in the app or on the Socrative website. To do this on the iPad, you will need to download the Socrative Teacher App from the App Store. It's free!
After you register, you will receive a unique code for your classroom. Your students will log in using this code, so only they have access to the content you create. They will download the Socrative Student App. 

Now that you've logged in and created a classroom, you can create content! Socrative has created a very impressive and complete user guide to explain how to create everything in the app. It has step-by-step picture directions on how to create each form of assessment. I would highly suggest checking out the user guide!

Below are a few screenshots from the Socrative User Guide, to help you get a better idea of how to use the app. 

The dashboard is where you decide what type of assessment you are going to create.

The "Quiz" feature can be used to create multiple choice, short answer, or true/false quizzes. Essentially students sign into your classroom, select the quiz you created, and take the quiz. You will create the quizzes to be used for Exit Tickets and Space Race as well. 

Once everyone is finished, Socrative will then collect the data for you. It will automatically set up a spread sheet to show which student answered what for each question, even graphing individually by student if you wish!

"Exit Tickets" can be used as a quick, easy, and paperless informal assessments to see if students are understanding what you taught them. This will let you know what you need to reteach. This also allows for complete honesty when you ask if students understood the material versus a thumbs up or thumbs down assessment.

Last but not least, "Space Race" allows students to race against each other while they complete the quiz. As a teacher, you can even display the "real time" rockets racing each other using the projector to give students even more motivation. This would be a useful tool for math facts or vocabulary words, anything where speed and accuracy are important. This seems very fun and engaging and definitely a predicted student favorite! Who would of thought students could be seen laughing and smiling while taking an assessment!

Give Socrative a try in your classroom! Their website has incredible resources, support materials, and classroom ideas to use this app! Explore it and give it a try! Contact a tech intern if you would like to us to help you set up the app with the students in your classroom. 

What are ways you use assessment in your classroom and how can Socrative help make it more engaging for your students? Take a risk, and let's find out! 

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