Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Retiring from 2nd Grade

The end of the school year brings a mix of emotions. Students ecstatic for summer, teachers busy with grading, playgrounds enjoying recess while they can, and parents preparing for the summer months ahead.

One of the teachers at Roland Story is feeling some unique emotions this year as she prepares for retirement. Mrs. Uthe has been teaching for 39 years and was featured on KCCI's "Today in Iowa" special. Watch the video to see for yourself how Mrs. Uthe has left her mark on Roland Story forever.

[Retrieved from http://www.kcci.com/news/This-Is-Iowa-It-s-really-hard-to-walk-away/26063590#.U3qoxyYln3c.facebook]

Mrs. Uthe we will all miss your smiling face and positive attitude at Roland Story!

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