Monday, September 15, 2014

Kidspiration Maps Lite

Kidspiration is an app that allows students to create different types of visual maps and diagrams.

On the home screen, you'll see options to "Create Diagram", "Create SuperGrouper", or do an activity in Reading & Writing, Social Studies, Science, and Math.

In the "Create Diagram" option, students can create concept maps using different shapes and animals for their ideas.  Images, Text, Drawings, and Recorded Audio can also be added.  

Students can start off by making an outline by clicking the horizontal lines image in the top left hand corner.  The little guy to the left of that option will take you back to the home screen.
Students can add any information they want in their diagram in this section.  After they have entered in their text (students can come back to this at any time), they will click on the concept map image where the horizontal lines used to be.  This will take them back to the diagram.

Here they will see the information they just types.  The words are in yellow ovals right now, but students can change the shape to a different shape or an animal at this time.  Just click on the bubble, and then double click on the animal or shape that you want!  The shapes can be moved around also.

If you go back to the home screen (the little yellow circle guy in the top left-hand corner), you will be able to click on the different subject areas.  These subject areas have pre-made diagrams and maps that you can use! 

For more examples to use with Kidspiration, check out:

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