Thursday, October 2, 2014

Learning is Happening!

Check out all the badges we've awarded!

We have been in many classrooms helping teachers log their students into email, log into Tales2Go, teach lessons, and show the students how to use the iPads. 

I had some great conversations with 3rd graders about digital citizenship and the appropriate use for their emails. They are excited to have this privilege and get started using it!

Mr. Gilroy (4th grade) and Mrs. Phelan (3rd grade) are using Google forms to communicate with their students. 

Congrats to these teachers for pushing themselves to learn:
Mrs. Hauer
Mrs. Nelson
Mrs. Sanderson
Mrs. Thein
Mrs. Hull
Mrs. Olson
Mrs. Rule
Ms. Hyatt
Mrs. Phelan
Mrs. Bauman
Mr. Gilroy
Mrs. Greenfield

We look forward to continue to learn as the year goes on!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for coming into my classroom to teach a vocabulary lesson and a lesson on using Pic Collage. We have enjoyed having you here!
