Thursday, April 24, 2014


Penultimate is an Evernote app that allows students to create and maintain a digital notebook. In order to use this application, students will have to create an account with an email.

Once their account is created and they are logged in, their notebook will appear. To open it, click the front cover.

The first example page will appear. Click on this page. When you are in the page, select the trash button on the top right bar to clear the page so you can begin annotating! 

Now that we are in the application, I will go through what each of the tools within the app do. The first one, on the left side of the middle bar is the pen tool. There are different widths and colors of pens available. Select one to begin writing!

This is an example of what writing can look like. Now, to add a photo, select the button seen on the picture below and choose either camera or photos. 

Once you add a photo and have it selected, you can change the size of it using the blue border. 

Continue writing to fill up the page! Once your page is full, at the top of the page, you can swipe to the right to bring a new empty page up.

The button I selected below allows you to choose what kind of paper you want.

Look at the photo above. On the top left hand side, underneath the home button, there are 6 squares. If you select the square buttons it will bring you to the page that is shown below.

This is a list of all your pages. If you need to get to a page quickly, get to it this way rather than swiping through your notebook. 

When you are finished, you can save the page as an image, email it, print it, and do many other things.

It's a great way for students to document their writing and save it digitally!

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