Friday, April 18, 2014

Showbie App How-To

How-To: Effectively Implement the Showbie App into the Classroom

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What is Showbie?
  • Showbie is an app that allows for very simple assigning, collecting, and reviewing of student work.
  • It can be accessed on the iPad and the computer.
  • Dan, our tech director, has invited all staff to join the Showbie account he has created for the district. Accept his invite and create your own log-in. If you no longer have this invitation, ask Dan to resend the invite. 

How do I use Showbie? 
  • Each student does need his or her own account on Showbie in order to access the account. When I did this for a teacher, I went onto each iPad and individually set them up. No email is required for students. Older students could definitely do this themselves as a whole class lesson. It is very simple. 
  • Information needed to set up an account:
    • Student First and Last Names
    • Student User Name: RS + first initial of first name + last name
      • example: if Jane Doe were a student, her username would be: RSjdoe
    • Example Password: norski (choose something simple)
    • Please note:
      • It helps to have the teacher account set up with a class created so while you’re on each iPad, the class code can be entered for students to join your class.
      • Usernames and passwords given above aren’t required; it’s just easy to remember to help students log back in if they log out by accident. It also prevents students from having to create new accounts every year they get a new teacher.
      • Notify tech interns if you would like them to teach a lesson to your class helping your students set up their accounts or teaching you/your students how to use Showbie.

"How-To" Videos to Use Showbie

Quick Tips to Use Showbie
    • After students’ assignments have been turned in and reviewed and you want them off of Showbie, delete the assignment or archive the assignment. Archiving hides it, but can be accessed again. Deleting it is permanent. It is possible to delete and archive individual files or entire assignment folders. To delete, right swipe and push delete. This can be done on either the teacher or students’ end. Students are not able to delete teacher files.

    • How to edit student work after it’s uploaded:
      • Images will need to be submitted as PDFs in order to edit them. There are two options for converting images to PDFs in Showbie.
      • When you/your students tap the “plus button” there are six options for submitting work:
        • The first two are for submitting images, which cannot be annotated on. 
        • The middle two take images and convert them into PDFs. They are called Capture PDF and Photo Library PDF.
      • PDFs can then be opened in Showbie and you can annotate on top of them.

    How can I use Showbie in my classroom?

    • As a student:
      • Student can take a picture of his or her Daily 5 assignments and turn them in. Prevents the teacher from having to access every single iPad individually.
      • Students can take a picture of a journal entry they’ve written and submit it to their teacher. Journals stay in the desks and the teacher doesn’t have to lug the journals everywhere.
      • Students can verbally and visually record a task or assignment, showing what they know.
    • As a teacher:
      • Record your voice or type directions to an individual assignment. Have students access that assignment and the directions. Allows for students to work independently in stations.
      • Unexpectedly, you need a sub. Record the directions or share an assignment or video with your students from home.
        • “Screencast-o-matic” is also an awesome tool for recording yourself or explaining directions to students or a sub when you are not there.
      • Use it as an assessment tool. Give students a passage to read, a list of sight words, etc. and have them record themselves. This can be done independently while you continue to teach a class. Share this with parents at conferences or collect the data later on your own, all from your own iPad.
      • After students turn in an assignment, you can record, edit, make notes, etc. on student work and upload it for them to see.

    Please share how YOU use Showbie in your classroom or any tips to make implementation easier and more effective for our staff!

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