Wednesday, April 23, 2014

QR Codes

Have you ever seen those boxes with random black and white lines and dots that look like this?

This is called a QR (Quick Response) Code and can easily be implemented into the classroom to enhance learning.  

Some ideas on how to use QR Codes: 
  • If you want all of your students to go to the same link, instead of writing it on the board and then having to wait for your students to type it all out, you can make a QR Code and put it on the projector.  All of your students will easily be able to quickly get to that link!
  • You can record yourself reading a book and put the QR Code on each page and the students can listen and follow along.
  • Scavenger hunts work great with QR Codes.  Links can be made to voice recordings, videos, websites, text, etc. to make clues.
  • Practicing English for ELL students or any other language could be done using QR Codes.  A QR Code is made for objects in the room with the word spoken or written out.
  • Bell ringers or ticket out the door activities posted at the front of the room for students to answer.
  • Adding QR Codes to student homework which links to video tutorials to help students if they are stuck on the problems.
The QR Reader app works great for decoding these codes.  Now you are probably wondering how to create all of these codes.  To generate codes from the internet, is a simple one to use. To generate QR Codes from voice recordings, works well.  A blog with a lot of sites and tips to use QR Codes that I've found is if you would like more information.  The QR Code at the top of this page is actually a link to that blog also!  Feel free to add comments to this post if you have ideas of your own or any questions! 

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