Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Fixing the YouTube Problem

Some teachers have been having issues when trying to use YouTube. To fix it, you must remove the YouTube cookies. You must do this every time before using YouTube. If you would like to avoid having to redo it, select a browser to use strictly for YouTube. For example, use Chrome to check email, enter grades, search, etc., and then use Safari to play YouTube videos.

Here are the steps to delete cookies on Safari:
  • Open Safari.
  • On the Toolbar, click on Safari.
  • Then select Preferences.
  • Preferences will open. Select the person icon, privacy.
  • Then at the top, where it says 'Cookies and other website data', click the details button. 

  • Another window will open.

  • Scroll all the way down to YouTube.
  • Click on YouTube.
  • Then select the 'remove' button on the bottom left of the window.
  • Now you are finished and should be able to use YouTube!

Here are the steps to delete cookies on Chrome:
  • Open Chrome.
  • On the toolbar, click Preferences.

  • Another tab will open in the browser.
  • Scroll all the way down and at the very bottom, select 'show advanced settings'.

  • More settings will appear.
  • Under privacy, click the 'content settings' button.

  • Another window will pop up.
  • Under cookies, select the button that says 'all cookies and site data..'
  • On the top right hand of the window, there is a 'search cookies' box, type in "YouTube".
  • Then click the 'remove all' button.

  • Now you are finished and should be able to use YouTube!

Remember, choose a browser and don't do anything but use YouTube in it! Then you shouldn't have to do this process more than once.

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