Thursday, April 24, 2014

Venn Diagram

Comparing and contrasting is a task that happens quite often in elementary classrooms. It is a great way to check for understanding about a story or compare two different stories. An app called "Venn Diagram" is the tool to use for this! It is free and does not require students to create an account. Students will be asked to create a "user" which only requires them to put their first name. Once they have created a "user", they can begin.

The first task is to create a name for their diagram. As an example, I created a compare/contrast of cats and dogs.

Next they will begin using the diagram. The students can change the size, color, and name of the circle to distinguish between whatever they are comparing or contrasting. 

To change the name, double click on the current name. A box will appear which allows you to label and change the color, if you choose. 

Next, you will begin adding items in each circle. In the top left corner, select the "new item" button. A box will appear with a space for you to type the item and select the size you wish that item to be. Once finished, click the checkmark to add it. It will appear and you can drag it to the correct area of the diagram.

Continue adding items to fill up your circles! If you wish, adding more circles is also an option; just select the "new circle" button in the top left corner. I added a "birds" circle as an example.

When you are all finished, select the "finish" button in the bottom right hand corner. The screen below will appear. If you want to save, but continue working on it later, select "save draft". If you are completely finished and wish to save, select "save final". This will save the diagram in your photos on the iPad. It can be emailed or shared to parents from there.

Here's the final product; a digital venn diagram! By using this tool, your students will be much more excited to compare and contrast.

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