Friday, November 21, 2014

iPad App Organization 101

There are some apps that get used everyday by students. For some of the younger students especially, it can take a long time to find these apps. Rearranging the order of the apps on the iPad or even putting apps in certain folders can help students find the apps more quickly and helps keep the iPad organized.

Rearranging the Apps
To rearrange the apps, touch and hold any app icon until all of the apps start to jiggle. Then hold down on the app you want to move until the icon enlarges slightly. It will then allow you to move the app as you please on that same screen. 

Adding or Removing Apps from the Dock
Putting frequently used apps on the dock helps eliminate wasted time searching for the apps and helps students use the iPad more efficiently. The dock allows apps on the dock to be accessed on any screen and prevents the need to search through multiple screens to find an app. 

To add an app to the dock: Touch and hold any app icon until all of the apps start to jiggle exactly how you did when you rearranged the order of the apps. After holding down on the app you want to move until it enlarges, simply drag the app from the screen to the dock. Six icons are allowed on the dock at once. Technically, folders are also allowed on the dock. Most students keep 4 apps on the dock at once, and they are not in folders.

To remove an app from the dock: Follow the same procedures as adding an app to the dock, except instead of dragging the apps on, you will drag the unwanted apps off. Technically, no apps are required to be kept on the dock. 

Creating a Folder
To help students find all apps more efficiently, it can be helpful to put apps into folders by categories. Folders can also promote classroom management within the younger grades. Once the apps are in the correct folders, there is also the option to rename the folder. The kindergarten iPads are set up with numbered folders. Teachers tell the students they can use any app in the certain numbered folder, and it helps eliminate confusion on which app the students should be using. The first grade iPads are set up by categories. For example, there is a different folder for each Daily 5 activity. When students are able to Listen to Reading on their iPads, they know to only use apps within that folder.  

Putting apps into folders: To put an app in a folder, first make the apps jiggle like previously described. From there, touch and hold your finger on the app you want to add to a folder and drag it onto the app you would like it to be in a folder with.

When your iPad looks like this, you know you are about ready to create a folder.

Once you have successfully created the folder, you have the option to rename it if you don't like the name the folder was automatically given. The icons should all still be jiggling, which allows you to rename the folder. This is what the screen will look like to do this.

 After the folder is created, you are able to add any other apps to that same folder using the same method as previously described. 

Removing apps from folders: To remove an app from a folder, make the apps jiggle as described previously. From there, drag the unwanted app to the side so it is no longer in the folder. This will return the app to a free spot on the home screen. 

Here you can see the App Store app is about ready to be removed from the current folder. 

It is important to note that at Roland-Story, whenever we add new apps, the folders are deleted unless we create a backup! Be sure to speak with the tech interns if you are seriously considering organizing student iPads this way. Typically the younger grades provide the organization for the students to help scaffold them to do their own organizing once they are in the upper elementary.    
Moving Apps to Different Screens
Moving one app: To move an app to a different screen one at a time, make sure all apps are jiggling. Hold down the app you want moved and drag it to the side of the screen. From there, the screens with shuffle, allowing you to choose which screen you would like the app to be on. You can also use this same procedure to move apps to different screens within folders.   

Moving multiple apps at once: Moving one app at a time can prove to be a little tricky as well as time consuming. To move multiple apps at once, move all of the apps you would like moved into a folder like described previously. From there, drag the folder to the dock using the same steps as you learned earlier. Then you will be able to swipe to the screen you would like the apps to be on and remove the folder from the dock to the appropriate screen. You can then remove the apps from the folder or keep them there, whichever organizational method you prefer! 

Note: Pressing the home button gets the apps to stop jiggling. 

Please share some ways you prefer to organize the apps on your students' or even your personal iPad to maximize productivity! 

1 comment:

  1. If a student happens to accidentally delete an app, don't worry! We can easily add it back onto the iPad, even if it is a paid app.
