Monday, November 3, 2014

MackinVia is Working!

I know a lot of you have been missing MackinVia since it hasn't been working very well this year, but it is up and running again!

You'll start by logging in just like before -- Roland-Story Elementary School and the AEA username and password.

Once you're in, you don't have to log in each student individually!  Students can start reading once they log in that first time.  As you can see, the green backpack in the corner is gone!

For some reason, we had to get another app called SWKids Reader for the students to read the ebooks. This app is free and we will be adding it to all of the iPads.  It may ask for students to create an account, but it will work if they don't so you don't need to have them create one.

If you would like us to help your students log in to MackinVia or want to use it right away so you need that new SWKids Reader app, let us know so we can get you started!  Feel free to ask us any questions about the changes.

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