Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Elementary Tech Intern Spring Schedule

As you may or may not have noticed, we have new faces around the building as your new tech interns for the spring semester. Jenny and Jill are off student teaching, so they have been replaced by Summer Illg and Katherine Carpenter. Summer is new to Roland-Story while Katherine was an intern at the middle school last semester. Be watching the blog for a post introducing themselves! 

There will be a tech intern here at the elementary Monday through Friday at some point in the morning.

Day of the Week                       Time                               Intern      
Monday                                  8am-12pm                         Courtney
Tuesday                                  7:30-10am                         Summer
Wednesday                            8am-12pm                          Courtney
Thursday                                7:30-10am                         Summer
Friday                                    8am-12pm                         Katherine

I am excited to be back and the new interns are excited to begin here at Roland-Story. Let us know how we can help! 

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